About Me

I grew up in a Christian home, faithfully attending First Baptist Church of Elyria, Ohio, with my parents. I was saved at a young age thanks to the many strong, Godly influences I had in my life. Through the ministry of my church I was able hear from and meet many different missionaries, and always felt a pull towards missions work. I took several missions trips with my youth group that continued to build my interests in ministry and missions. After high school, I attended Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa. During my time at Faith, I participated in and traveled with several music groups, and also took a summer missions trip to China. I studied Music Education and Composition, Bible, and World Missions. During college, I also had the opportunity to intern for two summers at the Baptist Mid-Missions Global Ministries Center, which gave me a better insight into missions around the world.

After graduation from Faith, I was unsure of my direction in life. I still felt that God was leading me towards full-time ministry, but I was unsure what that might look like. I decided to move back out to Iowa so that I could continue my involvement in the church I had attended during college. I got an office job and an apartment, and had been there for about a year when God began to make it very clear to me through a number of circumstances, including an interaction with some missionary friends and the sudden loss of my job, that He was pointing me in a different direction. After lots of prayer and a meeting with some friends from BMM, I was put in contact with some missionaries in Slovakia.

I exchanged a few emails with BMM missionaries Don and LeAnne Waite, and then in September of 2022 we were able to “meet” for the first time via video chat. I expressed an interest in coming to visit Slovakia, and they told me they could use me just as soon as I could get there! I moved out of my apartment and planned a three month trip to Slovakia in just three and a half weeks time, faster than I ever could have imagined, but all in God’s timing. By October 10, 2022, I was on a plane to Slovakia!

During my trip to Slovakia, I was able to experience and help with many ministries in the church plant there, including bible studies, children’s ministries, music ministries, and various holiday activities. I enjoyed getting to know the people there, and connected well with the Waites. I also had the amazing opportunity to be involved in the World Relief efforts that BMM and the Waites have been doing since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, which included two trips to Poland and Ukraine to deliver supplies to refugees.

By the time I returned to the States in January, I knew that God was leading me to join BMM and return to Slovakia as a full-time missionary. Over the next several months I went through the application and interview process, and was accepted to be part of the BMM Candidate Class of 2023. I was appointed to Slovakia at the Family Conference in July 2023, and am currently on deputation to raise my support to return to Slovakia.

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