
Pastor Dave Burman Jr., First Baptist Church of Elyria

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Fellow Laborer in Christ,

I am writing this letter on behalf of Anna Smith and our church family here in Elyria, Ohio. We have had the great privilege of seeing God do a work in Anna’s heart as He has been directing her to the field of Slovakia. Our church has seen the birth of two missions agencies, one of those being Baptist Mid-Missions, and we are thrilled to see God sending another young person out to the mission field. As you know, one of the great humbling and sharpen- ing parts of being called to the field is the support raising process. It is a time of learning to rely on God and seeing His call answered by the provision and partnerships formed within the body of Christ. We look forward to seeing God use other churches, beyond ourselves, to see Anna grow in these ways and make and meet new churches and ministry partners in the path ahead.

Anna, after receiving her biblical training, started to sense God’s leading in her life and has seen Him bring clarity, direction, and provision. I know that you will be blessed to hear her testimony and call to ministry. We are pleased to be Anna’s home and sending church. We have seen her grow up in our church family. She has involved herself in numerous ways throughout the years here and continues to do so. We as a church are putting our support behind her in additional ways as she now seeks to raise both financial and prayer support for this work of the ministry in Europe. We are excited to see how God is going to us her gifts and skills in music, children’s and women’s ministries, Christian education and more. We believe that she will bring much fruit and value to the team that God is using in Slovakia, enabling that ministry to accomplish more.

Anna has shown submission to the Lord as well as initiative in her work for Him. I am confident that she will continue to grow and thrive through this support raising stage as God prepares her for the place He has called her to. We would whole-heartedly recommend you and your church consider joining with us as we support Anna Smith as a missionary.

In Christ, Pastor Dave Burman Jr.

Don and LeAnne Waite, BMM Slovakia

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Dear Pastor,

I am a missionary with Baptist Mid-Missions to Slovakia. We have serviced here in Slovakia for twenty-two years. I am writing concerning Anna Smith. Anna has shared with us her call to missions, and that she feels that God is leading her to Slovakia.

In October of 2022, Anna came to Slovakia on a short-term basis, and was with us for three months. She was quick to respond to the needs of this ministry during her time here. When we first talked to her, we were planning a conference and needed help taking care of the children. Within 6 weeks, Anna made the decision to come and help us, raised support for the trip and arrived in time to care for the children during the conference. We were pleased with her quick response.

Anna fit well into the ministry and culture in our town. We use music as part of our outreach. Anna is a gifted musician, and she participated in both concerts and in music ministry in the church through special music, congregational accompaniment and directing choral groups.
In the three months that Anna was here she started studying the Slovak language. She studied with a couple of the young adults in our church, at the same time building relationships with them.

While in Slovakia, Anna was active with us in the ministry. She is talented with music, arts, crafts and cooking. We are involved at the present time with taking relief supplies to Ukraine. Anna helped us with the shopping for two trips to Ukraine and two trips to Poland. She also traveled with us to both Ukraine and Poland. She made hats and scarfs for the refugees; and stuffed animals for the refugee children.

I am confident recommending her to churches in the States. I believe that Anna will be a good addition to the team in Kezmarok, Slovakia. Lord willing, we hope to see her as part of the ministry in good time.

In His service,
Don and LeAnne Waite,
BMM Slovakia